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DarkNN List

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The DarkNN list is a forum for open discussion of the dark, vampiric side of Nick and the side of Nat that is attracted by it. Although, as a group, we do not take a stand as to whether Nick and Nat should both be vampires, mortals or one of each, we do encourage exploration of what might occur in any of these combinations. Also, we explore the sides of Nick and Nat's personalities that they often deny. Lastly, we encourage and welcome fiction that deals with Nick and Nat's darker aspects.



How to Join the DarkNN List

There are several ways to join the DarkNN list. choose the one that is easiest for you.

To contact the List owner to join or for more information, send e-mail to this address:
To join via the web, use this link to go to the DarkNN web page on onelist:
To subscribe via e-mail, write this address: <nothing is needed in the body of the letter or subject line>
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